We are thrilled to announce that Megan Arnett has join the CBN staff team as our Partnership Coordinator on July 5th!

The Partnership Coordinator will be working directly with our membership to build their capacity to deliver impactful place-based initiatives in their community. This position is responsible for building relationships with the private and public sector to achieve equitable community building efforts, strategically steering and supporting the growth of place-based organizations in the St. Louis community, providing technical assistance to member organizations, and creating and facilitating marketing communication activities that increases awareness to the community building efforts in the region.

Please help us give Megan a warm welcome. Here’s a little more about her:

As a long-time resident of the St Louis Metro East region, Megan Arnett has been driven by an unwavering commitment to social justice and an unshakeable belief in the power of community engagement. She understand that true change can only be achieved through collective efforts and meaningful partnerships. By leveraging her expertise and passion, she strive to empower communities to unlock their full potential and create lasting positive change. Megan’s educational background includes a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and a Master's degree in Sociology and Integrative Studies. This educational foundation has equipped her with a comprehensive understanding of community dynamics and the complex interplay between individuals and their environments.

Before joining the CBN family, Megan served as a Professor of Sociology at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, educating and inspiring the next generation of community leaders. Through her academic position, she has develop a deep appreciation for the power of knowledge and its ability to drive meaningful transformation within communities. Throughout her career, Megan have actively engaged with diverse community partners and resources, utilizing a community-centered approach to address individual and community-based needs. This experience solidified her belief in the transformative power of community engagement as a catalyst for positive change.

In Megan’s spare time, she enjoys exploring nature, advocating for social causes, and spending quality time with her family and friends.