Landlord & Rehabber Training: Nuiscance and Abandonment Lawsuits
You are invited to a Tues., July 26, 6:30-8:30pm, Landlord & Rehabber Training, on Nuisance & Abandonment Lawsuits, offered online in a Zoom meeting. Register here: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/98982639582?pwd=dlUzT3BjcVVtQ2s2Um9ZcTB0VWhjdz09
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom. Save that email or copy and paste the information into your calendar. You will need that information to join the June 28 virtual workshop. This session will feature:
Rachel Waterman, attorney with Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, who will review the City of St. Louis’ Nuisance & Abandonment ordinance, it's history, how it has been utilized by residents and community organizations across the city to encourage owners to take action on neglected property, or as a last resort forfeit ownership.
Have you rehabbed a property recently or currently rehabbing a property? Let us know! We would love to celebrate the process. Email dana@towergrovecdc.org with details on your project and she will follow up.
The 2022 Landlord & Rehabber Training is a Northside-Southside Collaboration between North Newstead Association, The Vacancy Collaborative, and Tower Grove Neighborhoods CDC. This FREE training is open to all landlords, property managers, rehabbers, developers, and interested parties. Zoom is ADA compliant with exceptions. If you need special accommodations, or have any questions, please contact dana@towergrovecdc.org
The goal of the Landlord & Rehabber Training Program is to stabilize our communities by building an eco-system of educated landlords, rehabbers, and small developers empowered to reduce vacancy and nuisance. The program will enlist professionals from real estate, property management, law, accounting, preservation, & finance industries to share their knowledge on acquiring and developing real estate and implementing property management best practices.
This activity is funded by a HUD Community Development Block Grant via the St. Louis Community Development Administration and coordinated by Tower Grove Neighborhoods CDC, North Newstead Association, and The Vacancy Collaborative.